Khatlon region

Khatlon region (Taji Viloyati Khatlon) is an administrative area within the Republic of Tajikistan. One of the three regions of the country. Khatlon borders on the north with the RRS, in the east – with Badakhshan, in the south – with Afghanistan, in the west – with Uzbekistan.
The area is 24,600 km ². With a population of 3,048,200 people. Tajikistan 81.8%. The administrative center is the city of Kurgan-Tube.


The area of ​​these areas is 24,600 km².
It is located on the southern spurs of Gissaro-Alai. It is divided into 6 cities and 21 districts.
The climate is continental.
The main rivers are Panj and Vakhsh. Several reservoirs: Muminobod, Selbur, and others.
The population of the region as of January 1, 2015 was 2 971 500 people [1]. By population, the region ranks first among the regions of the republic.
81.77% of the population are Tajiks, 12.94% are Uzbeks, and 0.52% are Turkmen. The density of population in the RRS is 115.1 inhabitants per 1 km².


The Vakhsh cascade is the largest complex of hydroelectric power stations in the Republic of Tajikistan. The cascade consists of seven operating stations. The capacity of the existing cascade stations is 4,775 MW, projected power generation is about 20 billion kWh per year. (With a fully realized cascade, the capacity will be 9,262.5 MW, the projected power generation will be about 37 billion kWh per year.)
Nurek hydropower plant | 3 000 MW | 11 billion kWh per year.
Baypazinskaya HPP | 600 MW | 3,500 billion kWh per year.
Sangtudinskaya HPP-1 | 670 MW | 2 700 billion kWh per year.
Sangtudinskaya HPP-2 | 220 MW | 900 million kWh per year.
Head HPP | 240 MW | 1,300 million kWh per year
Delta HPP | 30 | 220 million
Central HES | 15 | 110 million
Nurek HPP: dam height 300 m, power plant capacity 3000 MW Nurek HPP provides about 75% of all power generation in the republic.
Light (cotton-cleaning, leather-shoe), food (butter, meat, flour, fruit canning), chemical (Vakhsh nitrogen-fertilizer plant), electrotechnical and metal-working industries are developed.

Extraction of oil, gas, rock salt.

Irrigated agriculture (Vakhsh channel and others). Cultivate fine-fiber cotton, cereals (wheat, barley, maize, rice), potatoes, vegetables, fodder. Fruit growing (including citrus). Viticulture. Plantations of geranium. The only industrial plantation of sugar cane in the USSR. Breeding gissar and karakul sheep, dairy cattle. Breed cattle, pigs and goats. Sericulture. The region took the first place in 2014 in the republic for annual cereal production (828.8 thousand tons), raw cotton (262.8 thousand tons), vegetables (846.1 thousand tons), melons (422.9 thousand tons) Tons), fruit (125.8 thousand tons), grapes (83.0 thousand tons) [7]. Also, the region for 2013 took the first place in Tajikistan by the number of cattle (1940.6 thousand), as well as sheep and goats (849.9 thousand) [8].
Balneogryazelebic spa area Tanobchi-Kyzylsu.
In Nurek at an altitude of 2200 m there is an opto-electronic complex “Window” (“Nurek”) of the space exploration system (RKO).