Financial Projections


Financial Projections

We live in the world of data now; data allows us to make realistic decisions about the future. No financial department or company can claim to have completed its work unless they have financial projections ready. Consulting WP helps clients create dynamic financial projections that take real data and map out realistic outcomes.

Smart people know better than to take steps based on gut feelings alone. Financial projections are a necessity for any company. As the leader of the company you need to know how your finances will look the next year.

Consulting WP — we help companies assess their skills and choose a new direction which utilizes the talents of the team and resources most productively.

safety net & build wealth
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  • Three

You can transform your business to a revenue-producing asset that lets you work as much or as little as you want.

business planning & strategy

Our clients are often surprised by the possibilities we present to them; by thinking outside the box we present exciting new ventures:

  • Work fewer hours — and make more money
  • Attract and retain quality, high-paying customers
  • Manage your time so you’ll get more done in less time
  • Hone sharp leadership skills to manage your team
  • Cut expenses without sacrificing quality
  • Automate your business, so you can leave for days,
research beyond the business plan

We also ensure that the whole team is included in the process and that no one is left out during the turnaround. The most crucial part is ensuring some degree of financial stability during the turnaround.

This is the most worrying part for most clients going through or needing a turnaround; it means that incoming cash flows will change completely. We help ease these issues through fantastic financial projections and a realistic view of what can be accomplished.

Creating a list of potential qualified prospects for your service or product can be daunting when you’re beginning your business. However, this needs to be considered as a follow up on your Target Market Analysis so you can hit the ground running.

business plan market

Financial projections are a necessity for any company. As the leader of the company you need to know how your finances will look the next year. This also has the benefit of alerting you to any red flags you may be unaware of:

  • Don James/Semplice – Article and News research
  • HighVoltageBusiness – Company and Industry Research
  • Goovers – Company and Industry Research
  • IRISpace – Industry Research
  • Lexos-Nexos – Company, Industry, Market Research
  • Plombett – Industry Research
  • Pronounce – market analysis report “slices”
competitor research & analysis
  • One
  • Two
how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Руководство китайской компании « ХЕ ЛИ» подписал с Правительством Республики Таджикистан Договор о строительстве нефтеперерабатывающего завода на территории СЭЗ «Дангара». Для реализации этой цели согласно этому Договору было образовано ООО «ТК Ойл», генеральным директором которого являюсь я.
С помощью Администрации СЭЗ мы получили все необходимые разрешительные документы, всем нашим приглашенным специалистам предоставлены визы Республики Таджикистан, выделено участок земли под строительством завода, проведены линии воды, электроэнергии, дороги до нашей участки. Администрация делает все для того, что нашим работникам и строителям нашего завода было комфортно.
В данный момент строительство завода завершено на 95% и мы намерены сдать завод в эксплуатацию до 30 июня 2017 года. Наш завод будет самым крупным нефтеперерабатывающим заводом в Центральной Азии, объем инвестиции составляет около 500 млн долларов США. Мощность завода составляет переработки 1,2 млн тонны сырой нефти. Огромное спасибо руководству Администрации за оказанную им помощь.

Сюй Ган (КНР)
Генеральный директор, ООО «Тк Ойл НПЗ Дангары»

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