Bonds & Commodities

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Руководство китайской компании « ХЕ ЛИ» подписал с Правительством Республики Таджикистан Договор о строительстве нефтеперерабатывающего завода на территории СЭЗ «Дангара». Для реализации этой цели согласно этому Договору было образовано ООО «ТК Ойл», генеральным директором которого являюсь я.
С помощью Администрации СЭЗ мы получили все необходимые разрешительные документы, всем нашим приглашенным специалистам предоставлены визы Республики Таджикистан, выделено участок земли под строительством завода, проведены линии воды, электроэнергии, дороги до нашей участки. Администрация делает все для того, что нашим работникам и строителям нашего завода было комфортно.
В данный момент строительство завода завершено на 95% и мы намерены сдать завод в эксплуатацию до 30 июня 2017 года. Наш завод будет самым крупным нефтеперерабатывающим заводом в Центральной Азии, объем инвестиции составляет около 500 млн долларов США. Мощность завода составляет переработки 1,2 млн тонны сырой нефти. Огромное спасибо руководству Администрации за оказанную им помощь.

Сюй Ган (КНР)
Генеральный директор, ООО «Тк Ойл НПЗ Дангары»

As expert consultants, Consulting WordPress Theme know the intricacies of bonds and commodities. Bonds and commodities are much more stable than stocks and trades; however the payout is a bit lower in itself. We allow our clients to invest in the right bonds & commodities.

Bonds and Commodities allow your company to have a financial base which is stable. Your company will be able to take more risks once it has invested in Bonds & Commodities, because it will have a steady source of income already. This is why Business WordPress theme helps its clients invest in structurally sound bonds and non-volatile commodities.

Range of industries

Travel and Aviation
Business Services
Consumer Products
Financial Services
Transport & Logistics

Strategic & tactical planning

Our renowned coaching programs will allow you to:

  • Work fewer hours — and make more money
  • Attract and retain quality, high-paying customers
  • Manage your time so you’ll get more done in less time
  • Hone sharp leadership skills to manage your team
  • Cut expenses without sacrificing quality
  • Automate your business, so you can leave for days, weeks, or even months at a time

Strategy development

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

You can transform your business to a revenue-producing asset that lets you work as much or as little as you want.

Strategic plan development

  • One
  • Two

Research beyond the business plan

Good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain. This process includes market and competitive research as well as an assessment of the company’s capabilities and the industry forces impacting it.

Good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain. This process includes market and competitive research as well as an assessment of the company’s capabilities and the industry forces impacting it.

Good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and your unique value chain. This process includes market and competitive research as well as an assessment of the company’s capabilities and the industry forces impacting it.

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